Driving change: How is PLExyz crowd analytics being used for cafés, events, and art installations?

by Super


Music, arts, and technology have always been able to bring people together, cross borders, and, essentially, make our lives and experiences better. Whether it’s the simple act of viewing captivating artwork on your smartphone or immersing yourself in real-world art installations, live music, or dance performances, technology today is helping to enhance better experiences not only for the audience but also for the people that work behind the scenes.

Today, our PLExyz audience analytics tools is exploring Brewhäus, a café located in Seremban Negeri Sembilan that is famously known among the neighborhood for its comfort foods, fresh coffee, and hosting a diverse range of artistic endeavors. From live music shows to mesmerizing projection mapping sessions and art installations, this café has also become a dynamic space for creativity and inspiration.

Rethinking the Café Experience

Cafés are often synonymous with soothing interiors, freshly brewed coffee, and serene vibes. But in today’s fast-evolving world, these cozy corners have transcended their traditional roles to become a canvas or playground for innovative ideas and a platform for the public to know more about the local art movement.

So how does PLExyz help?

Without revealing any individual’s identity, PLExyz digitally counts the overall number of people, indicating the most popular spot and how long people remain there. This information helps users understand people’s movements in their area. Users benefit from having a better understanding of how places are used and how to adapt to evolving needs.

Cafés like Brewhäus are slowly adapting to this method and the importance of having this data to foster more art programs or events in their spaces. By deploying one PLExyz unit inside the cafe, Brewhäus gained access to its crowd data when they have art events, such as the total number of people and the time that they stayed there.

It’s like having a digital crystal ball for predicting trends and preferences.

Engaging a Wider Audience

This data not only facilitates adaptability in line with evolving audience preferences but also serves to highlight the local art and music scene to various stakeholders, including agencies, brands, and potential investors. It’s all about using existing technology such as PLExyz audience analytics tools to enhance the creation of dynamic, ever-changing spaces where the art movement thrive.

Imagine more cafés, galleries, and public areas adopting PLExyz, a less privacy intrusive crowd analytics, to create more stages for artistic expression and innovative experiences. Through these data-driven insights, these spaces can continually adapt to meet the evolving expectations of the community.

Bringing Everyone On Board Together

Crowd data from PLExyz has not only benefited the café with its crowd data but also given the local people in Seremban, Nilai, and other nearby towns to see and experience local artists’ creative expression, which eventually enriches the cultural fabric of Seremban and, eventually, the state of Negeri Sembilan.

We went to a projection mapping session by local artist, Faris Nasir or Vuevossa in Brewhäus and PLExyz data shows the peak time at the cafe coincided with the start time of the session.

The deployment in Brewhäus is one of the use cases that is close to our heart, where technology is used to enhance art and music activities. This endeavor holds a unique significance for us, as it resonates with our mutual mission to promote local arts and drive technological advancements both within and beyond the city.

Afterall, our name REKA is a short form for REdiscovering Knowledge and Arts 😀

Learn more about PLExyz audience analytics tools on our website: https://reka.re/products/plexyz/ and contact us if you would like to have a chat about implementing digital people counting in your spaces!

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