Whether Your Business Is Early In Its Journey Or Well On Its Way To Digital Transformation, REKA’s Solutions And Technologies Help Solve Your Toughest Challenges.
Understand Your Traffic And Audience Around Your Assets
Power Up Your Operations With Robotics And Automation Tools
Bring Your Product From Concept To Market With A Team Of R&D Experts
Learn about what we do and our mission statement
Gathered here are publications, whitepapers, and journals from our experts in the field. Discover the myriad of possibilities we can provide for you.
Explore our whitepapers
to learn more about
the efforts and impact
of human-powered technology
around the world.
Here at REKA, we’re
continuously exploring
for new approaches
to enable everyone,
to understand more
about their business.
Have a gander
at our articles
aimed to help you gain
an insight into
what we can do.
REKA Inisiatif Sdn Bhd or REKA is a Research and Development (R&D) technology company, focusing on the digitalization of organizations through the application of automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Currently, REKA is in collaboration with Murata to automate the aggregation and processing of traffic data such as vehicle count, vehicle class, traffic flow and speed with the inclusion of environmental data such surrounding temperature, atmospheric pressure as well as carbon dioxide levels in extension to our sustainable cities efforts.