6 Ways The Digital First Experience Can Benefit Your Business

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by Ridzwan Razalee

The nature of business is such that it requires one to be adaptable to the changes of time. In the last decade, the digital platform has become increasingly essential for many companies.

Businesses are taking advantage of the new medium to expand their business — from marketing to customer service, and even sales. The digitalisation of businesses has changed the customer experience altogether by making it more accessible and efficient. However, with the outbreak of Covid-19 having affected so many entrepreneurs, digital platforms became one of the only avenues for many businesses to sustain themselves.

The ‘digital first’ mindset for businesses demands for companies and publishers to release content and conduct business transactions through new media channels instead of just sticking to the old ones. So, instead of creating marketing and operation content and tools using traditional methods, a business should instead approach things through a digital lens.

It is easier for companies with an existing digital approach to navigate their business through the pandemic compared to those who have had to pivot from conventional techniques to a digital-first approach. However, even traditional companies such as Ikea have benefited from the digital-first approach.

With the ever-changing climate of the world and the unpredictable nature of the pandemic, businesses must consider adopting a digital-first approach to continue growing.

Here are six benefits of adopting a digital-first approach in business:

1. Need for speed and efficiency

The digital-first approach is one of the best ways for businesses to improve speed and efficiency. In the ever-growing technological era we live in, things are becoming more and more fast-paced. Businesses have more competition than ever before, but they also have more opportunities than they ever did.

Increased speed and efficiency today is not just about training a super team for your company, but it is also about knowing how to make use of the available tools around us. The digital-first approach will allow all sorts of processes and daily tasks to become easier while taking the human error factor out of the equation. Technology has streamlined the process in its entirety, making it easier for employees and customers alike. For example, a company such as Dominos has had a long-standing internal process even before the digital-first approach rose to popularity. Dominos adopted a digital-first approach by providing their customers with options to place their orders online. Additionally, companies should take note that when it comes to creating speed and efficiency, the internal processing aspect should be put first before implementing the output for their customers and sales.

2. Going paperless

Completing paperwork is perhaps the least favourite task of any organisation. Many small businesses may find paperwork to be a chore that takes up way too much space. However, having everything on record remains a necessity for many businesses to run smoothly. Going digital allows small businesses to keep themselves on track while taking up the least space in their office.

Many public and private sectors have benefited from going paperless. Not to mention how much more environmentally friendly this option is. Big corporations may also choose to go paperless to meet and comply with their ESG criteria. All in all, going digital and paperless is definitely the way to go!

3. Increase in brand awareness

Now with the omnichannel option to having your brand spread out, the chances of creating better brand awareness have increased more than ever. Companies need to understand which medium and platform should be used to create the best-targeted material for their customer demographic.

Some multi-channel platforms to increase brand awareness include:

  • Emails
  • Blogs
  • Social Media
  • Websites
  • Mobile apps

Each of these spaces requires thoughtful craftsmanship to build the brand awareness of your company. For example, each social media space is different, and thus one would need to have at least a basic understanding of the different tones that would fit them. Instagram, is meant to be a fun space, whereas LinkedIn is where the professional side of your brand shines, and Facebook is more of a casual Friday at work, but you still need to behave accordingly.

Study these platforms and create your brand awareness marketing campaign around them Otherwise, be prepared to lose out to your competitors!

4. Insight into your audience/customers

One of the most valuable things a business/organisation can gain from a digital-first approach is the customer data they may be able to collect. This gives a whole new insight into your customer’s/audience’s habits and patterns.

Nike’s CFO has stated that they would build their digital-first supply chain by building a strong technology and analytics foundation. Through this approach, they can optimize service, cost, convenience and sustainability. Not only have they created a more efficient and accessible method for their customers to purchase their products, but they also successfully created an entire digital ecosystem around their brand and the world of fitness. From their in-app training programs to their podcast series talking about training and health, Nike doesn’t just sell fitness apparel, but is now leading the way more holistically.

Retailers everywhere can learn from Nike, and build a strong database and analytics foundation to understand their customers better and create a more personalised experience for them.

5. Showcase expertise through content

No matter which industry you are in, it is always good to be an expert in the field you are serving. In the old days, people could only know this if they were to visit your physical store/space of business to find out just how much you know about the business. Today, anyone can create content to showcase their expertise. Every day people are turning to Google to help them with their daily problems and whoever can provide the best explanation on the subject matter, wins the customers over.

You may have the expertise, but your customers wouldn’t necessarily know that, with all the competition around you. So, what are you waiting for? Share your knowledge and expertise with the world and see what they give back!

6. Creating a better customer experience

What a customer remembers the most when it comes to any brand or product they come into contact with is the experience as a whole. Apple is one company which ensures that their product can provide their customers with a unique experience from when you first browse through their website until the moment you unbox their product.

Traditional companies can learn from these tech companies and make the approach their own as well. Lego is an example of a company that has managed to create a whole different experience for their customers when they started allowing their fans to take part in creating their own design through a web-based 3D design tool. This step by Lego gave parents from the millennial generation confidence in its usefulness.

By creating a better experience for their customers Lego has not only managed to stay relevant but get ahead of their competition as well.

Next Steps to Digital-First

Taking the next or first step forward is always the scary bit when it comes to moving with the times, as not all businesses are ready or equipped with technological advances.

However, REKA believes that every business is capable of progressing with the ‘digital-first’ mindset if they’re open to change. As we’ve seen, even the most traditional places have managed to create a digital-first approach.REKA believes in educating businesses and organisations to take the first step forward in their digital shift, as we’ve worked with clients in all sorts of industries to help them make that change!

Get in touch with us to know more, or check out our podcast series to hear more from us.

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